
CBN Dosage Chart: How Much CBN Oil Should I Take?

CBN Dosage Chart: How Much CBN Oil Should I Take?

You are unique, and your CBN dose will be, too!

How much CBN you take will differ based on four factors:

  • How much you weigh
  • Your tolerance level
  • The form of CBN you take (i.e., vape, sublingual, oral, or transdermal application)
  • Your primary wellness concerns (e.g., for pain relief/anti-inflammatory benefits or deep relaxation and sleep)

You'll be pleasantly surprised with just how easy it is to use CBN once you get to know a few simple guidelines. Follow along and we'll teach you everything you need to know about how much CBN you should take.

Click on a table of contents option below if you want to fast-track your way through this CBN dosage guide or continue reading each section in the order listed to get the most detailed CBN dosage instructions.

Table of Contents

    CBN Dosage Chart

    First things first: Always start low and go slow when beginning CBN. But don’t be afraid to go all the way! CBN is a very forgiving natural medicine. It leaves plenty of room for you to experiment safely with how much you take.

    Titrating is what you do when you gradually increase and moderate your CBN intake until you find the most effective dose. The vast majority of CBN users titrate for just a few days before finding their sweet spot. How long you titrate may vary and primarily depends on your response to taking CBN.

    Body weight is the main factor on which first-time users should base their initial CBN dosage. Wellness concerns are an important secondary consideration that may change how much CBN you take in each dose. CBN is an extremely versatile cannabinoid because it offers both daytime and nighttime benefits. How much CBN you take at one time determines how it affects you.

    Taking frequent small amounts of CBN called microdoses during the day provides non-drowsy pain and inflammation relief whereas taking the full dose at night promotes additional sedative action for deep relaxation and sleep.

    Use the CBN dosage chart below to calibrate your starting dose to your current body weight. The dosage chart is meant for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Your individual needs may differ from what is recommended, and you should adjust how much CBN you take accordingly. Only you know how much CBN is helping you to feel better.

    CBN Dosage Chart: Choose Cannabinol Dose By Weight

    Weight Mild
    Strength Dose
    Recommended Product
    100 lbs
    (45 kg)
    3 mg 8 mg 30 mg Mild: 100MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Average: 250MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Maximum: 1000MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    125 lbs
    (57 kg)
    4 mg 10 mg 38 mg Mild: 100MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Average: 250MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Maximum: 1000MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    150 lbs
    (68 kg)
    5 mg 12 mg 45 mg Mild: 250MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Average: 500MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Maximum: 1000MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    175 lbs
    (79 kg)
    5 mg 14 mg 53 mg Mild: 250MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Average: 500MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Maximum: 2500MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    200 lbs
    (91 kg)
    6 mg 16 mg 60 mg Mild: 250MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Average: 500MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Maximum: 2500MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    250 lbs
    (113 kg)
    8 mg 20 mg 75 mg Mild: 250MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Average: 500MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Maximum: 2500MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    300+ lbs
    (136 kg)
    9 mg 24 mg 90 mg Mild: 250MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Average: 1000MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate
    Maximum: 2500MG Pure CBN Oil Isolate

    Continue reading our CBN dosage guide for a deep dive into CBN usage and safety recommendations. We will cover the two common ways people take CBN, discuss the average CBN dosage for first-time users, show you how to calculate a precise CBN dose by exact weight, teach you how to refine your perfect CBN dose, and more!

    I’m A First-Time User: How Should I Start Taking CBN?

    You are going to love CBN, especially if you choose our Zero High® brand single-molecule CBN isolate oil and CBN isolate powder!

    No matter the brand you choose, it’s important to use your CBN in the right way to get the best results. Follow the guidelines below to maximize your CBN benefits:

    How much CBN should I take?

    You are unique, and your CBN dose will be, too.

    How much CBN you take depends on four main factors:

    • How much you weigh
    • Your tolerance level
    • How you take your CBN (i.e., vape, sublingual, oral, or transdermal application)
    • Your primary wellness concerns (e.g., pain relief/anti-inflammatory benefits, deep relaxation and sleep, or a combination)

    CBN research is still evolving, and scientists continue making discoveries about the most effective CBN dosage ranges. There are currently two predominant schools of thought in the cannabis community when it comes to taking CBN. Let’s briefly explore them both before we continue:

    • CBN microdosing for daytime
      Involves taking multiple small doses of CBN for daytime-specific wellness concerns, like pain relief, anti-inflammation, and immune system support. Microdosing is the superior method when taking CBN during the day because it eliminates any potential drowsiness or sleepiness. To find the CBN microdose that’s right for you, first determine the recommended dosage for your body weight. Then divide that number by five or ten to find the size of each microdose you will be taking. CBN microdoses are meant to be taken every one to two hours. Calculate your microdose now if you know how much CBN to take according to your body weight.
    • Body weight-based CBN dosing at bedtime
      Suggests taking a certain amount of CBN per pound of body weight in the evening or at bedtime for deep relaxation and sleep benefits. Refer to the CBN dosage chart above to find the right body weight-based CBN dose for you. Keep in mind that the sleep-enhancing effects of CBN are significantly more pronounced when using the full recommended dose all at once.  Take body weight-based doses every four to six hours or as needed once daily.

    What if you have both daytime and nighttime wellness concerns for which CBN can help? CBN is an extremely versatile cannabinoid. It provides both daytime and nighttime benefits depending on what you are taking it for! How much CBN you take at one time will determine how it works for you.

    CBN dosage for first-time users

    You are probably very excited to get the most out of your CBN right away, especially if you are already familiar with taking CBD products. Keep in mind that CBN and CBD are different cannabinoids so they do not work in the same way. You should always start low and go slow until you know how CBN affects you. Let’s clarify the usage cases for microdosing and body weight dosing before you decide on the strength of your starting CBN dose.

    Consider the types of wellness concerns for which you are taking CBN when deciding how much you want to take. Microdoses of CBN promote pain relief, have anti-inflammatory benefits, and support healthy immune system function. Full-strength CBN doses, on the other hand, have additional sedative effects that promote deep relaxation and sleep. CBN is non-psychoactive and will never cause you to feel euphoric or “high” after taking it, even if you happen to take more than the recommended CBN dosage. However, CBN will make you feel drowsy and sleepy if you take high doses (i.e., the full body weight-based recommended dose taken in one sitting).

    CBN is a very forgiving natural medicine. It’s got an excellent safety profile that leaves quite a bit of wiggle room for you to experiment safely while you find the optimal CBN dose. Titration is the ideal way to find your CBN dose sweet spot. When you titrate, you gradually increase and moderate your CBN intake until you find the dosage that works best for you. It can take just a few days or up to two weeks of titrating before you find the right CBN dose. The vast majority of CBN users titrate for a few days at most. CBN effects normally last up to six hours per dose. Pay close attention to how you feel before and after each time you take CBN, then calibrate how much you need for subsequent doses based on your response.

    The average CBN starting dose is typically 3 mg to 9 mg for the first seven days of use. CBN microdosers should divide their recommended starting dose by five or ten to yield smaller doses which will be taken about once every two hours. Taking CBN more frequently while microdosing maintains optimal blood serum levels throughout the day without going over the threshold that may cause unwanted daytime drowsiness or sleepiness. Body weight-based doses should be taken all at once to maximize the natural sedative effects of CBN. Take the full body weight-based dose every four to six hours or as needed once daily.

    How do I calculate my exact CBN dosage?

    There are two unique approaches when calculating an exact CBN dose: microdosing and body weight-based dosing. We’ll show you how to calculate the right CBN dose using both methods.

    First, we’ll calculate a precise weight-based dose using another kind of CBN dosage chart. This one breaks down recommended CBN dosage by the pound:

    Chart: CBN Dosage By Pound or Kilogram

    Single Unit Weight Metric Mild Strength Dose Average Stength Dose Maximum Stength Dose
    1 lbs
    U.S. Imperial Pound
    0.03 mg / lbs 0.08 mg / lbs 0.3 mg / lbs
    1 kg
    Metric Kilogram
    0.066 mg / kg 0.18 mg / kg 0.66 mg / kg

    You will use the simple formula below to calculate exactly how much CBN you need per dose according to your specific body weight and preferred strength:


    Let’s calculate a mild strength dose for someone who weighs 123 lbs first. Here’s how that looks using the formula:

    Example #1:

    Total Weight: 123 lbs
    Ideal Dosage Strength: Mild Dose
    [123 lbs] x [0.03 mg] = 3.69 mg of CBN recommended per dose

    Next, we will calculate a maximum strength dose for someone who weighs 217 lbs:

    Example #2:

    Total Weight: 217 lbs
    Ideal Dosage Strength: Maximum Dose
    [217 lbs] x [0.30 mg] = 65.1 mg of CBN recommended per dose

    Now you know how to calculate the precise dose of CBN recommended for exact body weight. All that’s left is using the chart above to pick the ideal dosage strength for you and plugging in your weight to get your recommended CBN starting dose.

    There will be one more step to go if you are a CBN microdoser.

    How do I calculate a CBN microdose?

    You’ll need to divide your total body weight-based dose by either five doses or ten doses depending on how many microdoses you plan to take during the day.

    Use this simple calculation to find the amount of each microdose:


    Smaller microdoses are best when first starting out. You can always titrate more or less CBN for subsequent doses once you see how you respond.

    Let’s use the CBN microdosing formula to calculate the recommended microdose for each of our example users.

    Example #1:

    [3.69 mg] / [10 DOSES] = 0.37 mg recommended per microdose

    Example #2:

    [65.1 mg] / [5 DOSES] = 13.02 mg recommended per microdose

    How many milligrams of CBN is in my dropper?

    Some bottles of CBN are more powerful than others.

    How can you tell? Look for the total amount of CBN printed on the front of your bottle label to determine how much is inside. Zero High® CBN Oil Isolate has this number printed directly on the front of each bottle to make it easy to distinguish between product strengths. CBN concentrations range from 100 mg to 2,500 mg per bottle with Zero High CBN. The higher the number, the more CBN is contained in it.

    The next important number to take note of is the number of fluid ounces per bottle. All Zero High CBN oils come in 30 mL bottle sizes. Thus, you get 30 individual 1 mL dropper doses in each bottle of Zero High CBN.

    Let’s find out how much CBN is in each 1 mL dropperful using a 500 mg Bottle of Zero High CBN Oil as an example.

    Here’s the formula we’ll use to do that:


    Example CBN bottle:

    500 mg Zero High CBN Oil Isolate (30 mL bottle)
    [500] / [30] = 8.33 mg of CBN per 1 mL dose

    Zero High CBN products include graduated droppers that have 1 mL, ¾ mL, ½ mL, and ¼ mL markings printed directly onto the glass pipette. This helps take all the guesswork out of measuring your CBN dose precisely.

    Here’s a breakdown of Zero High CBN Oil doses in ¼ mL increments according to individual product strengths:

    Common CBN Oil Product Potency and Dosage Amounts

    Total CBN In Bottle
    (30 mL / 1 oz)
    CBN Per Dropperful
    (1.0 mL)
    Per ¾ Dropper
    (0.75 mL)
    Per ½ Dropper
    (0.50 mL)
    Per ¼ Dropper
    (0.25 mL)
    CBN Per Drop
    (30 drops per mL)
    100MG 3.33 mg 2.49 mg 1.66 mg 0.83 mg 0.11 mg
    250MG 8.33 mg 6.24 mg 4.16 mg 2.08 mg 0.28 mg
    500MG 16.67 mg 12.51 mg 8.33 mg 4.17 mg 0.56 mg
    1000MG 33.33 mg 24.99 mg 16.67 mg 8.33 mg 1.11 mg
    2500MG 83.33 mg 62.49 mg 41.66 mg 20.83 mg 2.78 mg

    Note the chart above estimates 30 single drops per average dropper. The actual number of drops in your dropper may vary.

    Refining CBN dosage strength using the single drop method

    Use the single drop method if you need to increase your CBN dose by only the tiniest of fractions. Single drops work especially well for CBN microdosers who take frequent small doses throughout the day.

    The CBN potency chart above lists the amounts of CBN from 1 mL, ¾ mL, ½ mL, ¼ mL all the way down to single drop dosage strenths. Bear in mind the chart estimates 30 drops per 1 mL dropperful. The opening on your dropper may be slightly larger or smaller because of manufacturing differences. For accuracy, make sure you check the actual number of drops in your dropper by counting them like this:

    • Use the graduated measurements marked onto your dropper to fill it exactly to the 1 mL line
    • Gently squeeze the dropper bulb to release one uniform drop at a time back into your bottle
    • Count each drop until your dropper is empty

    Voila! Now you know precisely how many drops are contained in your dropper.

    We’ll use the following formula to recalculate the CBN dose per drop:


    Next let’s look at a couple of examples using Zero High CBN Oil products to see this simple formula in action:

    Example #1:

    Product Strength: 100 mg Zero High Pure Isolate CBN Oil
    Total CBN Per 1 mL Dropperful: 3.33 mg
    Drop Count: You count 22 drops per 1 mL dropperful

    [3.33 mg] / [22 drops] = 0.15 mg CBN per drop

    Example #2:

    Product Strength: 500 mg Zero High Pure Isolate CBN Oil
    Total CBN Per 1 mL Dropperful:
    16.67 mg
    Drop Count
    : You count 34 drops per 1 mL dropperful

    [16.67 mg] / [34 drops] = 0.49 mg of CBN per drop

    How Long Does CBN Stay In Your System?

    There are a number of factors that determine how long CBN will stay in your system and how long its effects will last. Some of these factors include:

    • Dosage amount
    • How you take it
    • How often you take CBN
    • Your metabolism

    Clinical studies for CBN and other cannabinoids are ongoing. Research suggests that the effects of CBN will be similar to how long CBD stays in your system. Peak effects are likely felt within minutes or hours and may last for up to 24 hours. CBN may be detectable in your body for up to 30 days following last use.

    The dosage amount of CBN you take may play a role in how long its effects are felt. A 3 mg dose, for example, will likely yield effects for a shorter period of time than taking an 83 mg dose.

    Taking CBN sublingually (placed under the tongue for 1 – 2 minutes) may lead to faster absorption by the body within a matter of minutes, as compared to ingesting it (swallowing) which may take 1 – 3 hours for peak effects. Because of sublingual dosing’s rapid absorption, CBN’s effects may dissipate faster, while ingesting CBN oil may provide longer-duration peak effects for 3 – 8 hours.

    Your metabolism may also play a significant part in how quickly CBN is absorbed by your body, how long it takes to be used, and the effects you experience.

    Experimenting with different dosing delivery methods (sublingual vs ingestion) and varying dosage amounts will help you to identify which works best for you.

    When Should I Take My CBN Dose?

    You should take CBN when you need it to help you feel better.

    Taking frequent small amounts of CBN called microdoses during the day provides non-drowsy pain and inflammation relief whereas taking the full dose at night promotes additional sedative action for deep relaxation and sleep. Adjust your CBN use based on your primary wellness concerns.

    Do you have both daytime and nighttime wellness concerns for which CBN can help? CBN is an extremely versatile cannabinoid. It provides both daytime and nighttime benefits depending on what you are taking it for! How much CBN you take at one time will determine how it works for you.

    What Is Pure Isolate CBN?

    The cannabinoid CBN is naturally present in hemp along with other compounds like CBD, THC, terpenes, flavonoids, fats, waxes, and chlorophyll.

    These compounds are extracted from the cannabis plant and yield an oily base material. This oil extract then goes through a process called winterization where it’s chilled to sub-zero temperatures in order to filter and purify target compounds.

    During this step CBN is separated, or isolated, from the other hemp compounds resulting in a highly potent concentrate.

    The concentrate is referred to as pure isolate CBN because it contains a 99% concentration of cannabinol and all other hemp compounds have been removed.

    This highly concentrated CBN powder can be blended with oils, creams, salves, and food products to create unique CBN infused items.

    Zero High blends this highly concentrated CBN powder with organic certified MCT oil to create high potency pure CBN isolate oil products.

    Can I Take CBN If I Am Already Taking CBD Oil?

    Yes, you may safely take CBN with other cannabis preparations, including CBD, CBG, and CBC!

    In fact, adding CBN to your daily CBD usage can increase its effectiveness through a natural phenomenon called the entourage effect.

    True Full Spectrum CBD Oil and Broad Spectrum CBD Oil products already contain naturally occurring levels of cannabinoids like CBN.

    Because the CBN cannabinoid is significantly less prevalent in the cannabis plant than its counterpart CBD, concentrations of CBN are usually quite small, ranging from 0.05 mg per milliliter dose up to 1.5mg of CBN per milliliter dose depending on the potency of the CBD oil itself.

    Those seeking additional supplementation can safely combine their existing CBD oil dosage schedule with additional CBN.

    RELATED ARTICLE: How much CBD is too much to take?

    This additional CBN can be taken separately as a pure CBN oil isolate, or it can be blended into existing CBD oil blends by infusing it with a concentrated CBN powder.

    CBN Side Effects: Is It Safe?

    CBN is a non-psychoactive plant medicine that maintains an excellent safety profile. It will never cause you to feel euphoric or “high” even if you happen to take more than the recommended CBN dosage.

    Less than one percent of users report adverse events when taking CBN directed. Side effects are generally mild and temporary since CBN normally lasts for six hours or less. Lowering your CBN dosage should resolve side effects if they do occur.

    CBN side effects may include the following:

    • Dry mouth
    • Increase or decrease in appetite
    • Stomach upset

    Allergic reactions are not common. You should check with your doctor before taking CBN if you have a history of food sensitivity or if you’ve experienced an allergic reaction to any prescription drug or over-the-counter medication. Note that some CBN oils are blended with coconut-derived oils.

    Taking CBN may reduce alertness or cause drowsiness or sleepiness. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you know how CBN affects you. Combining CBN with other alcohol, sedatives, or other sleep aids may intensify sedative effects.

    Will CBN Oil Make Me Want To Sleep?

    Whether or not CBN will make you drowsy or sleepy depends on how much you take at one time. CBN is an extremely versatile cannabinoid that provides both daytime and nighttime benefits.

    Consider the types of wellness concerns for which you are taking CBN to decide how much you want to take. Microdoses of CBN promote non-drowsy pain relief, have anti-inflammatory benefits, and support healthy immune system function. Full-strength CBN doses, on the other hand, have additional sedative effects for deep relaxation and sleep. CBN is non-psychoactive and will never cause you to feel euphoric or “high” after taking it, even if you happen to take more than the recommended CBN dosage. However, CBN will make you feel drowsy and sleepy if you take full-strength doses (i.e., the full body weight-based recommended dose taken in one sitting).

    Titration is the ideal way to find your CBN dose sweet spot. When you titrate, you gradually increase and moderate your CBN intake until you find the dosage that works best for you. Pay close attention to how you feel before and after each time you take CBN, then calibrate how much you need for subsequent doses based on your response.

    Can I Combine CBN With Other Cannabinoids Like CBG?

    CBN and CBG are found together in the raw cannabis plant, so it’s perfectly safe to take them at the same time. In fact, clinical research shows that combining cannabinoids together can amplify their benefits through a natural phenomenon called the entourage effect.

    Combine CBN with the benefits of CBG when you need to focus your wellness plan on pain relief and inflammatory conditions, including healthy gut and bowel support.

    SHOP: Maximum strength CBG oil isolate

    Remember to start low and go slow when you combine CBN with CBG for the very first time. Review the CBG dosing chart to see the recommended dosage ranges for your body weight.

    Can I Take CBN With Other Natural Medicines

    Yes, you may safely combine your CBN with other natural medicines, including herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements.

    Always talk to your doctor before making any changes or additions to your wellness plan.

    CBN Dosage Summary

    CBN is a safe, non-toxic cannabinoid. It can be taken as a stand-alone supplement or combined with other cannabinoids or natural medicines.

    • First time CBN users should follow the process of titration to help determine the optimal dose and to moderate dosage for the first several days to one week of use.
    • The recommended starting dose for CBN for first time users is 3 mg to 8 mg, regardless of body weight.
    • Use the CBN Dosage Chart to help find the specific amount of CBN that’s right for you.
    • Daily CBN dosage can range from 3 mg to 90 mg depending on factors that include body weight, how you take your dose (sublingual or ingestion), and your body’s metabolism.
    • Once you have determined your target dose using the CBN Dosage Chart, you can use the Common CBN Oil Potency and Dosage Amounts Chart to help you find the specific CBN product concentration that matches your preferred dose
    • It is best to take CBN in the evening about 1 – 2 hours before bedtime
    • Discontinue use or reduce your dosage if you experience unwanted side effects when taking CBN

    Do you have questions about CBN oil? Contact a Cannabiva team member for further assistance.

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